Saturday, December 20, 2014

Some good shit from December :D

So hello guys and gurrls!

Thanks for visit my blog again, hope you like what you see :p
In some news it´s almost Christmas! and new year! D: , hope i can update those days with some cool stuff xP and maybe some cheese post that i´m preparing.

And in another news I´m so fucking bussy with this job, hope to have more free time soon and can focus on art like really well, but you know it´s hard to find a balance at least here in Mexico, but i´ll do my best anyway, dreams are made of blood and sweat xD

So hope you like this post with some studies and other thing i did in my ver very very very tiny drawing/painting times (so sad u.u) so here are guys and girls hope you like them! :D

The first two are frm my sketchbook, just pentel over opaline XP.
 The other is a study direct rom nature in a 7 min break at work.
And thge last two movies stills tudies, i love movie still studies XD.

Thanks for visit again guys and keep the awesomeness up and up! :D


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Second of Dic: Some good paintings and studies!

So hey guys!! Hope everybody is great, so some news I´ve been so busy as usual and no much time for paint u.u, but hope in new year have more time for paint and caqn focus more on art :D
This year also brought me a lot of changes and experiences in life but i´ll left those for maybe next post :D
So here are some studies, and illustrations I did trouht last days of november and this first days of december.
Hope you like them guys and any critique or comment is most than welcome :D

Thanks for looking guys and don´t forget to follow me on Da, Fb and twiterr links are on top of the page :D

see ya next time! :D

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November Resolutions! :D

Holly molly, I´ve had this place so lonley in a long time u.u
But I´ve been so busy at work, I know that´s not excuse but well...
So here´s a new entry guys hope you like it and almost ends this year! D: oh god so fast.
Thank you for visit and feel free to leave any comment, critique and/or advice.
love you all! :D