So hey thanks for visit my blog again, i would like to share some toughts with you who read me, this is something very personal and well just some stuff i want to say.
I´ve been felt a little hummm unmotivated and i don´t know why, this sucks i hated but oyu know maybe is somethign usual with every body, i felt like no matter how hard I practice im not getting anywhere ( or maybe im not practicing harder enough, probably is tat) or maybe i need more passion or maybe i need to stop or maybe i don´t know but somedays you just see some people that can´t manage good anatomy or composition but they have that .. humm.. that felling you know, that felling that you see and you say wow! this has no composition no anatomy no rules but it is crazy, maybe it´s the passion maybe I need that passion again or just work more.
Well i just wanted to say that haha, hope this doesn´t bother anybody but sometimes you have to take the shit out of you haha and well..I leave you here some of my most recent shit :)
Hope you like them guys and thanks for the visit! :D
Hope to be more optimistic the next time hehe